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BoringLead helps you find verified email addresses of professionals on LinkedIn, saving you time and boosting your outreach efforts.

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e.g. Give me LinkedIn leads from the cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. TV Series

Rachel Green

Fashion enthusiast and waitress turned buyer

Monica Geller

Passionate chef with a competitive streak

Phoebe Buffay

Free-spirited masseuse and musician

Joey Tribbiani

Aspiring actor with a love for food

Chandler Bing

Sarcastic data analyst with a quick wit

Ross Geller

Paleontologist and dinosaur enthusiast

Best viewed on desktop size

Rachel Green

Rachel Green

Fashion enthusiast and waitress turned buyer

500 connections


Started as a waitress at Central Perk, now a successful buyer for Ralph Lauren. Known for my iconic hairstyles and fashion sense.

Work Experience


Ralph Lauren

2000 - Present

Responsible for selecting and purchasing clothing lines for the company.


Central Perk

1994 - 1999

Served coffee and food to customers while pursuing a career in fashion.


New York University

Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising

1990 - 1994


Fashion DesignTrend AnalysisCustomer ServiceNegotiation


  • Organized Ralph Lauren's Spring Collection Showcase


English, French

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Everything you need for effective outreach

LinkedIn Email Search

Quickly find verified email addresses of professionals on LinkedIn.

AI Powered Results

With the help of AI, we curate and find the most accurate results from LinkedIn

Rich LinkedIn Data

Get access to Rich LinkedIn data at your finger tips with just one click.

Search History

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CSV Export

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Access it anywhere

Your LinkedIn leads gets saved into your account. You have access to those anytime you want.

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Search 50 emails

  • Search 50 emails from LinkedIn

  • AI Powered Results

  • Rich LinkedIn Data

  • Ability to download as CSV

  • Access your email search history



Search 500 emails

  • Search 500 emails from LinkedIn

  • AI Powered Results

  • Rich LinkedIn Data

  • Ability to download as CSV

  • Access your email search history



Search 1000 emails

  • Search 1000 emails from LinkedIn

  • AI Powered Results

  • Rich LinkedIn Data

  • Ability to download as CSV

  • Access your email search history

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